Thursday, November 12, 2009

lyrical triptych's reflection

Lyrical Triptych Reflection



For this Digital Media project, the mission was to create a Lyrical Triptych. We had to pick a song of our choice and pick lyrics that we liked. Then create three 5x7 papers with pictures that relate to the lyrics we first picked.


      For my lyrical triptych, I picked the song “Empire State of Mind” by jay-z, a song mainly about New York City. The first 5x7 has two pictures, one of Harlem and one of the McDonalds in Times Square. The second 5x7 has two pictures of Jay-z and a picture of Yankee stadium in back of the two pictures. On the bottom side there’s a picture up-top N.Y.C. The third 5x7 has a picture on the top of the Brooklyn Bridge and in the bottom part it has two pictures, the 9/11-world trade accident and another statue of liberty picture. In creating this lyrical triptych I mostly used the eraser to create a fade look to mix in pictures.


      On the first 5x7 the lyric I choose to put was “Brought me back to that McDonalds”. I tried to portray the New York environment, so I looked up the McDonalds in Times Square, NY. On the second 5x7 I picked the lyric when Jay-z says “I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can”, and decided to put Jay-z in front of Yankee symbolizing that he’s on top according to the lyrics.


      My experience with Adobe Photoshop has been awesome, I like working with computers and pictures so it has just been a good time. I don’t think I would change anything just yet, doesn’t mean everything is perfect, but to me it was well created.

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